I've been playing RPGs for 25 years. In that time I've played in a lot of great games and met a lot of great people. I've always loved creating scenarios, sharing my creations, and have even been published.
But its always been a hobby, as it should be for me. But recently I read a post that inspired me. The post, by Sechin Tower, says that if you want to be published and taken seriously by RPG publishers you need a platform - some place to distribute your work, take feedback, and create name recognition. I agree with this.
This blog will be my platform. I plan on posting my scenarios, ideas, thoughts, games, and experiences here. I don't know if it will ever lead to anything, but even if it doesn't it will be a fun venture. All I ask is that if you do read any of the posts, and like (or don't) what you read, please give me feedback. Like with any hobby, I want to get better...and getting better will only lead to more fun!
Here's to 25+ more years with RPGs, and many more adventures to come!